Paul and Cori

Things we love: cooking, photography, crocheting, reading, math and board games.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How long does it take to make 2 skirts? Day 2

  Yesterday, I put on my yoga pants, my "winking witch" Halloween t-shirt, and The Nightmare Before Christmas, and began work on Mary's skirt. It is solid at the top with scallops at the bottom. I  finished the solid top section, and the first row of scallops. Because she mentioned she wanted more outfits to wear with leggings, I made the top solid chunk a little bit smaller than the pattern says. I think it will be way cute :) .

copyright: Cori 2010
copyright: Cori 2010

I also finished chunk 4 of Koleen's tree skirt.
It's really beginning to look like great sparkly Christmas fun!
copyright: Cori 2010
copyright: Cori 2010


  1. Eeek! I'm so excited!!! It is looking great.

  2. Hi! I knew your blog from Etsy thread on Forum.
    Nice blog!
