Paul and Cori

Things we love: cooking, photography, crocheting, reading, math and board games.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pie Crust: I CAN do it

copyright: Cori 2010

I've always been so nervous to make my own pie crust, but today I did and it seems to have turned out perfectly. So exciting! I made an apple pie with half granny smiths (great for baking) and half galas (super cheap this week).
copyright: Cori 2010

I put in less sugar because gala apples are sweet. Then I sprinkled extra cinnamon, nutmeg and a dash of cloves on the filling before adding the top crust.
copyright: Cori 2010
copyright: Cori 2010
 I'm looking forward to trying the beautiful final product after Paul gets out of class tonight.
Mmm, it was pretty good!


  1. Super Yum! I am just going to keep reading your blog and you can plan my meals for the next week. Monday: tacos Tuesday: apple pie. HAHA!!!

  2. AW man I wish I had an apartment, an oven, and the ingredients and I would so make one right now! :( Wish I could at least be there for a bite of yours! Looks great my dear, enjoy!
